How lucky and privileged were we to go to bed last night and wake up this morning with a renewed sense of encouragement, empowerment and hope. Bravo to those American’s who made the choice to stand up for someone and something that they believe in and to have taken action. Every vote matters and serves a purpose and hopefully in the hearts and souls of many today that purpose has been recognized, felt and exuded so that others who may have voted in a different direction will take hold and embrace our vision for change.
Hooray for my families states, Colorado, Florida, New York and North Carolina (and close friends in Virginia). We can be proud that our states made a Democratic statement this election year.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Time and place
"I'd always fall for guys I wanted to save," the singer says. "For the first time, I fell in love with someone who saved me."
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Would somebody like me to inform them about a little place we like to call "GOODWILL"?
Republicans Spent $150,000 on Sarah Palin's Wardrobe
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Barack Obama's Mother
“She was always very good at finding a language that the other person would understand, regardless of where they were from, or their socio-economic background. And I think that’s … a major gift that’s bestowed on us.”
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
My Lama and Me.
This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
The Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama
Living with Integrity means:
Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships.
Asking for what you want and need from others.
Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension.
Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values.
Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe.
Asking for what you want and need from others.
Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension.
Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values.
Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Light Bulb On...
"True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance"
~ Henry David Thoreau
~ Henry David Thoreau
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Note to Self:
In my next life I want to live my life backwards. You start
out dead and get that out of the way. Then you wake up in an
old people's home feeling better every day. You get kicked
out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, and then
when you start work, you get a gold watch and a party on
your first day. You work for 40 years until you're young
enough to enjoy your retirement. You party, drink alcohol,
and are generally promiscuous, then you are ready for hig
school. You then go to primary school, you become a kid, you
play. You have no responsibilities, you become a baby until
you are born. And then you spend your last 9 months floating
in luxurious spa-like conditions with central heating and
room service on tap, larger quarters every day and then
Voila! You finish off as an orgasm!
Woody Allen
out dead and get that out of the way. Then you wake up in an
old people's home feeling better every day. You get kicked
out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, and then
when you start work, you get a gold watch and a party on
your first day. You work for 40 years until you're young
enough to enjoy your retirement. You party, drink alcohol,
and are generally promiscuous, then you are ready for hig
school. You then go to primary school, you become a kid, you
play. You have no responsibilities, you become a baby until
you are born. And then you spend your last 9 months floating
in luxurious spa-like conditions with central heating and
room service on tap, larger quarters every day and then
Voila! You finish off as an orgasm!
Woody Allen
Friday, August 1, 2008
This blog is dedicated to a dear old friend.....cheers!!
"I feel larger than life each and everyday, and being married to one of the most loving, giving and caring woman in the world. She's brought a lot of to my's so funny how we think we have it all figured out, and then that special person comes along and just adds flavor to your being".
Friday, July 11, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Out with the old, in with the old.
September 22, 2005
You are divorced and you can use your maiden name now.
You are divorced and you can use your maiden name now.
In Retrospect:
I have been home for a little while now, catching the last two hours of daylight filtering through the forest. The sunlight falls in scattered pieces on the forest floor, like pieces of the collage of memories and images I have of you. I want to catch those pieces, put them together, and hold onto them.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Who could this be?
She carries herself with strange dignity, as if she were an emissary of a secret order, a messenger from a lost kingdom. You see it in every picture. Shot after shot. She’s a princess, an aristocrat. I mean, the woman knows how to be photographed, where to look, where the light comes from. She’s not quite flawless in person—she’s more real, human. It’s the same product, only it’s been taken out of bunting and plastic and set in this ordinary place, as opposed to the dreamworld cooked up by set designers and admen.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Now isn't THAT the truth...
"Hey, anyone can remember the truth.
You try to remember a good lie – it's almost impossible!"
You try to remember a good lie – it's almost impossible!"
Monday, May 26, 2008
Public Service Announcement:
This posting is OFFICIALLY to see how long it takes my slacker sister to "BLOG IN". So please feel free to note the date: Monday, May 26, 2008. Let's see precisely how long it takes. I promise everyone that I will not say a word (have mentioned in the past "hey check out the new posting on our blog site and that STILL hasn't worked).
This posting is OFFICIALLY to see how long it takes my slacker sister to "BLOG IN". So please feel free to note the date: Monday, May 26, 2008. Let's see precisely how long it takes. I promise everyone that I will not say a word (have mentioned in the past "hey check out the new posting on our blog site and that STILL hasn't worked).
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Watch out girls! That's my man....sexier then a Westfalia VW van!!
Her: Sexy jeans baby!
Him: Wow thanks. They're from...Rusted Ware...Ruddy West.....Rubbed House..............where did you get these jeans from honey??????
Her: Rugged Wearhouse
Her (to self): .....hee hee hee. Gotta love him.
Him: Wow thanks. They're from...Rusted Ware...Ruddy West.....Rubbed House..............where did you get these jeans from honey??????
Her: Rugged Wearhouse
Her (to self): .....hee hee hee. Gotta love him.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Says the Republican to the Democrat...
You know it girl………..I vote for who I like not the party. Id vote for you which ever party your with…………….and not just because your beautiful either……..
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll
If my sister were a celebrity and some greesy photo snatcher caught wind of this shot, it would be plastered on the front page of IN TOUCH magazine with the headliner:
You would never suspect a mere trip to the dentist at noon would you?
BEWARE: It could happen to you...
Friday, May 2, 2008
How to say "I Love You"
So, here’s a true and pathetic story—with a happy ending, not to worry.
Way back, when I first started dating my now long-term beau, he left a message one afternoon on my voicemail, which ended with: “Gotta go. I love yyyyy — ummmmm — errrrrrr. Have a nice day.”
Yes, my beau had started to say “I love you”—then stopped abruptly. His subconscious, it seemed, wanted to say those words. But for some reason he couldn’t get them out—not even after five months of exclusive dating. I found this especially troublesome since my beau’s speech impediment was not my dating norm. My last ex had swiftly said “I love you” — after a mere three weeks of dating — and then he couldn’t stop blurting it thereafter. I’d say: “We need more toilet paper.” He’d respond: “I love you!” But despite his words, my ex’s daily treatment of me didn’t communicate love as much as the desire to make me his, his, his (talk about jealous types!).
Possibly the most important vocabulary lesson to be learned about the words “I love you” is this:
Your actions must always be in sync with these words—or they become null and void!
In my current beau’s case, I fully felt his love expressed daily through his actions. He was always clipping articles for me he knew I’d like. Recharging my cell phone at night. Bringing me chicken soup when I was sick. And yet saying this simple three-syllable phrase “I love you” remained a big tongue-twister for him. Once I walked into the bathroom while he was applying his shaving cream. “Are you trying to see what you’d look like with a big white beard?” I teased. “Yes,” he replied, “This is what I will look like when I’m 75 and with a beard—and I hope I’m facing you then, too.” My beau seemed to be emanating “I love you” at me. So, why couldn’t he just come out and say it? It seemed as if his subconscious wanted to tell me these words — hence why he told me “I love yyyyy —” …Right?
So I asked him bluntly. He answered honestly. His definition of “I love you” meant, “I promise to never leave you (and might even want to marry you some day) — but the last woman I loved, I married — and that relationship was a total train wreck!”
The happy ending news from all this? Although it took longer than I expected for my beau to say “I love you,” when he finally did say it, those words meant far more to me.
With all this in mind, here are some tips for saying those three little (but so big!) words:
1. Don’t rush to take that “I love you” out of the box—because it’s hard to get it back into the box after it’s blurted. Be sure you really mean it when you say it.
2. Recognize some people take longer than others to say “I love you”—and usually these people are “male” people. In general, women take longer to get ready for parties. Men take longer to get ready for relationships. And it’s not good to rush either along.
3. After you’ve said “I love you,” continue to share out loud the specific traits and habits that you love. Don’t just coast on this generic phrase or you will chew all the flavor out of it.
If you’re wanting to hear “I love you” and it’s not a-coming, it might not be for lack of love, but out of fear. Engage your partner in a conversation about what these words mean for each of you. It’s a great opportunity to talk about your fears and long-term desires—and who knows, it might get those words jumpstarted.
4. Don’t say your first “I love you” during a time of intensity—be that either making love or making war. If you say it during sex, you may just be swept up in temporary passion. And if you say it during a fight, you might only be doing so to gain control. Ironically, the more neutral the time and setting in which you say your first “I love you,” the more impactful it will feel.
Way back, when I first started dating my now long-term beau, he left a message one afternoon on my voicemail, which ended with: “Gotta go. I love yyyyy — ummmmm — errrrrrr. Have a nice day.”
Yes, my beau had started to say “I love you”—then stopped abruptly. His subconscious, it seemed, wanted to say those words. But for some reason he couldn’t get them out—not even after five months of exclusive dating. I found this especially troublesome since my beau’s speech impediment was not my dating norm. My last ex had swiftly said “I love you” — after a mere three weeks of dating — and then he couldn’t stop blurting it thereafter. I’d say: “We need more toilet paper.” He’d respond: “I love you!” But despite his words, my ex’s daily treatment of me didn’t communicate love as much as the desire to make me his, his, his (talk about jealous types!).
Possibly the most important vocabulary lesson to be learned about the words “I love you” is this:
Your actions must always be in sync with these words—or they become null and void!
In my current beau’s case, I fully felt his love expressed daily through his actions. He was always clipping articles for me he knew I’d like. Recharging my cell phone at night. Bringing me chicken soup when I was sick. And yet saying this simple three-syllable phrase “I love you” remained a big tongue-twister for him. Once I walked into the bathroom while he was applying his shaving cream. “Are you trying to see what you’d look like with a big white beard?” I teased. “Yes,” he replied, “This is what I will look like when I’m 75 and with a beard—and I hope I’m facing you then, too.” My beau seemed to be emanating “I love you” at me. So, why couldn’t he just come out and say it? It seemed as if his subconscious wanted to tell me these words — hence why he told me “I love yyyyy —” …Right?
So I asked him bluntly. He answered honestly. His definition of “I love you” meant, “I promise to never leave you (and might even want to marry you some day) — but the last woman I loved, I married — and that relationship was a total train wreck!”
The happy ending news from all this? Although it took longer than I expected for my beau to say “I love you,” when he finally did say it, those words meant far more to me.
With all this in mind, here are some tips for saying those three little (but so big!) words:
1. Don’t rush to take that “I love you” out of the box—because it’s hard to get it back into the box after it’s blurted. Be sure you really mean it when you say it.
2. Recognize some people take longer than others to say “I love you”—and usually these people are “male” people. In general, women take longer to get ready for parties. Men take longer to get ready for relationships. And it’s not good to rush either along.
3. After you’ve said “I love you,” continue to share out loud the specific traits and habits that you love. Don’t just coast on this generic phrase or you will chew all the flavor out of it.
If you’re wanting to hear “I love you” and it’s not a-coming, it might not be for lack of love, but out of fear. Engage your partner in a conversation about what these words mean for each of you. It’s a great opportunity to talk about your fears and long-term desires—and who knows, it might get those words jumpstarted.
4. Don’t say your first “I love you” during a time of intensity—be that either making love or making war. If you say it during sex, you may just be swept up in temporary passion. And if you say it during a fight, you might only be doing so to gain control. Ironically, the more neutral the time and setting in which you say your first “I love you,” the more impactful it will feel.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Heaven on earth? I give you THE FINE ARTS THEATRE.
STARRING: Chris Cooper, Pierce Brosnan, Patricia Clarkson
A strong blend of suspense, star-crossed romance, and wry comedy of manners, Married Life is an unconventional human drama about the irresistible power and utter madness of love. Harry (Chris Cooper) decides he must kill his wife Pat (Patricia Clarkson) because he loves her too much to let her suffer when he leaves her. Harry and his much-younger girlfriend Kay (Rachel McAdams) are head over heels in love, but his best friend Richard (Pierce Brosnan) wants to win Kay for himself. As Harry implements his awkward plans for murdering his wife, the other characters are occupied with their own deceptions. Like Harry, they are overwhelmed by their passions. but still struggle to avoid hurting others. Married Life is an uncommonly adult film that surprises and confounds expectations. While it plays with mystery and intrigue, its ultimate concern is: "What is married life?" In its sly way, Married Life poses perceptive questions about the seasonal discontents and unforeseen joys of all long-term relationships.
STARRING: Chris Cooper, Pierce Brosnan, Patricia Clarkson
A strong blend of suspense, star-crossed romance, and wry comedy of manners, Married Life is an unconventional human drama about the irresistible power and utter madness of love. Harry (Chris Cooper) decides he must kill his wife Pat (Patricia Clarkson) because he loves her too much to let her suffer when he leaves her. Harry and his much-younger girlfriend Kay (Rachel McAdams) are head over heels in love, but his best friend Richard (Pierce Brosnan) wants to win Kay for himself. As Harry implements his awkward plans for murdering his wife, the other characters are occupied with their own deceptions. Like Harry, they are overwhelmed by their passions. but still struggle to avoid hurting others. Married Life is an uncommonly adult film that surprises and confounds expectations. While it plays with mystery and intrigue, its ultimate concern is: "What is married life?" In its sly way, Married Life poses perceptive questions about the seasonal discontents and unforeseen joys of all long-term relationships.
Friday, April 25, 2008
"The money is going to help Americans offset the high prices we're seeing at the gas pump, the grocery store, and also give our economy a boost to help us pull out of this economic slowdown," President Bush said today.
What do I say today? Would someone please inform Bush that the amount that some folks are getting back won't even cover what they OWE in taxes. And how about the people who pay MORE PER MONTH for their healthcare insurance then they will be getting. Give me a freakin' break!
What do I say today? Would someone please inform Bush that the amount that some folks are getting back won't even cover what they OWE in taxes. And how about the people who pay MORE PER MONTH for their healthcare insurance then they will be getting. Give me a freakin' break!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Keepin' It Simple
You base your emotions on your experiences, so you don't have to give anyone the power to talk you out of your own reality. Ultimately it's going to be your choice and no one else's. If you trust your feelings, then act on them! If you are uncertain, carefully consider the alternatives, which could be even scarier.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
TRADITION! (To the theme of Fiddler on the Roof)
That is going to be our new tradition that we’re starting. Every year we take a vacation together. Where ever, when ever, it just has to happen once per year.
You mean to tell me that there are women who actually put it on THE BATHROOM FLOOR???
I can honestly say that I have never ever in my entire life set my handbag down on a bathroom floor. I don’t care HOW MANY cocktails I’ve had, no way not happening. My handbag rides in the seat of my car for crying out loud. I thought I would die when I started to read this!! Who puts their handbag on a bathroom floor???
Now I do know a girl that puts her handbag in the trunk of her car……………………..
Now I do know a girl that puts her handbag in the trunk of her car……………………..
Austin Powers
Thanks for the invite but I already have plans for this weekend.
Please tell Kim that I don’t like her anyway, and that if I had not had made other plans I would have found something else so I wouldn’t have to go.
She’s a big stupidhead. J
Thanks for the invite but I already have plans for this weekend.
Please tell Kim that I don’t like her anyway, and that if I had not had made other plans I would have found something else so I wouldn’t have to go.
She’s a big stupidhead. J
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The MySistersATxtAHolic Foundation

Here is a photo of my twin sister doing what we ALL know she does best.........TXT. She currently holds the world's record for the fasting single letter typer & most txt messages sent in one day (more then any teenage boy or girl). As you can see she is very coordinated and can txt message a mile a minute with one thumb while lying on her back blowing bubbles secretly screening ring tone coordinated incoming phone calls.
If you would like to make a donation to the mysistersatxtaholic fund please contact me at:
All Hail The Email
She Wore Pink
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Oh crap! I forgot to tell you what happened yesterday. I was getting ready for work, finished- looking hot, went to put on my fabulous, gorgeous ½ carat diamond earrings bought for me by the most fabulous man on earth and dropped one of them DOWN THE STINKING SINK!
I immediately thought I was going to throw up!!!! That was a huge, huge, huge deal to me. I called Mr. Fabulous and he said hopefully he can get it out of the trap. So, he’s supposed to come up tonight and see if he can retrieve it.
Fingers crossed girl, fingers crossed!
I immediately thought I was going to throw up!!!! That was a huge, huge, huge deal to me. I called Mr. Fabulous and he said hopefully he can get it out of the trap. So, he’s supposed to come up tonight and see if he can retrieve it.
Fingers crossed girl, fingers crossed!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wonder Twin Powers - ACTIVATE:
I think it's good for him to see your tough side. Grace is earned, not expected.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
So Let's Analyze the Short of It:
1. We have good conversation and enjoy similar things = no boredom
2. We have regular sex = no loneliness
3. All his friends think his girlfriend is really cool and hot = huge male ego booster
But with all that said 1, 2, & 3 do NOT = he loves me.
2. We have regular sex = no loneliness
3. All his friends think his girlfriend is really cool and hot = huge male ego booster
But with all that said 1, 2, & 3 do NOT = he loves me.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Challenge
Hot tea (Green) – 3 cups
Brown Rice Chips (140 Cal)
¼ Cup Grape Nuts Cereal Dry (105 Cal)
Chicken Slices (220) – Could have cut this in half easily
Coffee 1 cup (60)
Dinner will be a green salad with feta and turkey (300 Cal)
Total Calories for the day: 825
Abs – am
Bunz – pm
Cardio 30 minutes
How bout' them apples??
Hot tea (Green) – 3 cups
Brown Rice Chips (140 Cal)
¼ Cup Grape Nuts Cereal Dry (105 Cal)
Chicken Slices (220) – Could have cut this in half easily
Coffee 1 cup (60)
Dinner will be a green salad with feta and turkey (300 Cal)
Total Calories for the day: 825
Abs – am
Bunz – pm
Cardio 30 minutes
How bout' them apples??
The Meal Report
Yesterday: No breakfast, a small dipper full of potato salad w/water for lunch, pretzels w/water for afternoon snack, and then half of my lasagna w/water at dinner last night. Complete honesty- we had popcorn at home when we got back.
Today: Granola bar w/water thus far.
Today: Granola bar w/water thus far.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Our Little Bundle of Joy!
All things have a beginning. Hence, on March 16, 2006 at 11:28am the 8 Minute Ab Workouts were born:
Girl!!! My wonderful, fantastic, fabulous sister !!! I am so MASSIVELY excited !!! I just received my “surprise” and let me tell you I am on fire just looking at these workouts. I can't wait to start using them. Thank you so very, very, very much. That is just awesome and so wonderful of you to order that for me. You are simply the best !!!! THANK YOU……..
Girl!!! My wonderful, fantastic, fabulous sister !!! I am so MASSIVELY excited !!! I just received my “surprise” and let me tell you I am on fire just looking at these workouts. I can't wait to start using them. Thank you so very, very, very much. That is just awesome and so wonderful of you to order that for me. You are simply the best !!!! THANK YOU……..
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Mr. Warm and Sunny Ain't So Funny
Oh yes sister girl...loud and clear. That type of mentality is just a total a$$....
You at least ask about the person. Even if you're self centered, it's at a very minimum good social skills. Geez...idiot!
You at least ask about the person. Even if you're self centered, it's at a very minimum good social skills. Geez...idiot!
Monday, March 3, 2008
The Roller Coaster to No Wheresville
This is yet ANOTHER dip on the roller coaster you have lived with this man for the past year. You go up and everything’s great, fun, and exciting. Then he pulls this crap and you fly down. You are hurt, disappointed, and sad. Then you go up again, then back down again. That has been your relationship from the very beginning. You’ll work through this and will be happy again until the next time. And trust me, there will be a next time. It’s just a matter of when.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
Three Cheers for Mr. New York
A. I ABSOLUTELY, MOST DEFINITELY think he will ask you to marry him. Without a doubt.
B. How long…hmmmm This will be a toughey. I think internally he’ll want to do it right away just because he won't want to wait to be with you. But in reality I think he would be so considerate of you that he’ll want to wait until he thinks YOU are ready to be asked.
C. How??? As unbelievable as that man is??? Geese. Something very quiet, very personal- just the 2 of you, not a big show or anything like that but VERY VERY romantic and completely when you’re not expecting it in any way…..and I think the ring will be the size of TX. Nope, take that back…he would WANT to buy you one that big just to show you how much he loves you but you and he neither one are big for “show” so he would buy you something beautiful and classic.
B. How long…hmmmm This will be a toughey. I think internally he’ll want to do it right away just because he won't want to wait to be with you. But in reality I think he would be so considerate of you that he’ll want to wait until he thinks YOU are ready to be asked.
C. How??? As unbelievable as that man is??? Geese. Something very quiet, very personal- just the 2 of you, not a big show or anything like that but VERY VERY romantic and completely when you’re not expecting it in any way…..and I think the ring will be the size of TX. Nope, take that back…he would WANT to buy you one that big just to show you how much he loves you but you and he neither one are big for “show” so he would buy you something beautiful and classic.
Clothes Putter Upper Fairy
Once upon a time there was this Fairy. She would travel from house to house assisting her pathetic, loser friends with their mounds and mounds of clothes that needed to be put up. Even though this was such a humble and gracious position, she often felt neglected and unappreciated. There was one Clothes Putter Upper Fairy who was exceptionally special and had one friend who was truly grateful. This friend came home from work and absolutely had a heart attack when she saw her bedroom. Out of sheer disbelief, she fell over right there. Everywhere she looked, she saw the floor !!!!! Unbelievable!!! This loser friend must find a way to convey to her special Clothes Putter Upper Fairy how tremendously thankful she is and grateful for what the Fairy did for her. The story goes that once the Clothes Putter Upper Fairy lights a fire under the loser friend, then after that the loser friend is not a loser anymore and promises to keep her clothes put up from there on out………..and they all live happily ever after.
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