Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Oh crap! I forgot to tell you what happened yesterday. I was getting ready for work, finished- looking hot, went to put on my fabulous, gorgeous ½ carat diamond earrings bought for me by the most fabulous man on earth and dropped one of them DOWN THE STINKING SINK!

I immediately thought I was going to throw up!!!! That was a huge, huge, huge deal to me. I called Mr. Fabulous and he said hopefully he can get it out of the trap. So, he’s supposed to come up tonight and see if he can retrieve it.

Fingers crossed girl, fingers crossed!

1 comment:

es ME said...

Larger than life, he dashed in, took apart the drain, and retrieved the all important diamond earrings! All is well, life was restored, and the world returned to spinning on it's axle.