Monday, March 31, 2008

You mean to tell me that there are women who actually put it on THE BATHROOM FLOOR???

I can honestly say that I have never ever in my entire life set my handbag down on a bathroom floor. I don’t care HOW MANY cocktails I’ve had, no way not happening. My handbag rides in the seat of my car for crying out loud. I thought I would die when I started to read this!! Who puts their handbag on a bathroom floor???

Now I do know a girl that puts her handbag in the trunk of her car……………………..

1 comment:

es ME said...

You're kidding me, right? Comparing putting your bag in the trunk of your car to placing it on the floor of a puke filled, beer ridden, peed on bathroom floor of some bar simply isn't putting apples against apples.