Thursday, January 29, 2009


So today it seems a bit surreal, but tomorrow my sister is officially moving. Ok, yeah so it's not like she's moving to Iceland, Peru, Namibia or Timbuktu; but the move will be huge in more ways then one nonetheless. She will be moving in to her new home with her new husband and family to be. It's an amazing thing because it seems like just yesterday we had closed one chapter of life and had begun a new one (which consisted of many afternoons playing teenage dress up in the mirror and of laying out in the sun drinking lemonade, feeling fine and fancy free). But tomorrow will begin the official transition portal from this chapter into the next. A wonderful life awaits her and I am certain there will still be time created for dress up & lemonade.

So why the surrealness?

Because I think it is making me aware of the fact that once again time moves on, we get older (and wiser of course) and that life waits for no we must all keep livin' each moment, moment to moment.

More Love, Peace & Goodwill awaits us on the otherside my sister. Just wait and see!


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