Friday, January 23, 2009

Slacker in the Hood

Public Service Announcement Numero Dos:

This posting is OFFICIALLY to see how long it takes my overworked sister to "BLOG IN". So please feel free to note the date again: Friday, January 23, 2009. Let's see precisely how long it takes. I promise everyone that I will not say a word.

Ready? BEGIN...


es ME said...

So today is July 8, 2009 and while mentioning that my sister in law left a comment, my ACTUAL sister noted that she was going to surprise me by going in and making some comments but could not find the site. HI KIMMIE!! I SEE YOU READING THIS. HAHAHA! So this almost brings us officially to the HALF YEAR MARK. Will she chime in? Or get busy today and the clock constinues to tick??

Wait for it....

es ME said...

Today it is February 2, 2010. Tick, tock, tick, word yet.

Kimmie said...

Okay, seriously? To post something at this point is nothing short of simply embarrassing. I am officially THE worst sister on the planet. ....Geez, alright, official new New Year's resolution is to be more consistent with applying myself in hopes of climbing out of the hood of slack and returning to the world of those who have purpose and meaning in life. Bottom bad!

es ME said...

I remember when the idea struck about starting this blog...what fun. I think the best thing has been keeping it up, not mega strictly but enough so that there are regular entries...then having the ability to go back and read/laugh at them later on. THIS has been one of those favorite "laughable" entries. What joy.